If you have noticed that locals look askance at you while you speak Spanish, it is high time to start learning Catalan. Barcelona is a capital of Catalonia and speaking Catalan you will integrate into the social environment the fastest way possible.
Catalan is recognized as an official language of the Catalonia region, and it is also official language of education, and mass media
So if you feel like staying in Barcelona or around, don’t hesitate to learn some Catalan. And of course, the capital of Catalonia offers all the potentials for a quick and thorough learning experience. Therefore, results are prompt and unforced.
10 hours a week
A1 to C2
We take into account the knowledge you have and find you an appropriate group for your exciting trip into Catalan world.
Training takes place under the supervision of a native Catalan teacher and allows to grasp Grammar and speaking basics in a fast and efficient way.
15 hours a week
A1 to C2
If you want to go hard on Catalan, this intensive course is just right for you. Everyday training embraces 2 or 4 hours with loads of out of class tasks to be prepared.
This course helps to master the language in the shortest possible time, and greatly simplifies integration into society.
10 hours a week
A1 to C2
Interview in Catalan is an essential part of most administrative procedures which you will have to experience, if you live, study or work in Barcelona.
FreeDa provides a preparation of students for an upcoming interview at any organisations for any related issue.
Are you ready to start your course?
Let’s to know your level and get started.